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Online Success Journey

Jul 20, 2017

Steve Makris is the CEO and Founder of Real Estate Tube, working in all facets of the real estate industry for over 25 years. He has experience both on a National and International level. He has held senior executive sales positions with some of Australia’s largest commercial agencies as well as being the Managing...

Jul 13, 2017

Andrei Polgar is a serial entrepreneur, an investor who specializes in exotic assets and an economist, and has launched a wide range of projects: development businesses, an auction platform, a small escrow service, a blog, a domain sales newsletter and three hosting businesses. As an investor, he specialize in assets...

Jul 6, 2017

Junior Ogunyemi is the multi-award winning entrepreneur and inspirational speaker turning every-day people into successful business owners. He is also author of the bestselling books “How to be a Student Entrepreneur” and “Young ‘Fed Up’ Professionals”. During his time at university, Ogunyemi launched...