Jul 16, 2020
Jason is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, Alternative Medicine Practitioner, Certified Coach and Speaker. He is one of handful of Mental Health Professionals to carry Neuro Emotional Technique's Level 3 Certification from thousands of NET practitioners around the world. Jason's training as a therapist has led him to become a Certified Entrepreneur Coach, focusing on family businesses and young professionals who are looking to minimize their stress and maximize their potential with simplicity and clarity. He uses a "Lifestyle By Design" approach to setting and reaching goals with all of his coaching clients. He is a sought after speaker and has led workshops, retreats and conferences on topics including Mind/Body Psychology, Performance Enhancement, Business Spirituality and Alternative Medicine and has coaching clients all over the world that he sees virtually. He is the owner of The Family Room Wellness Associates, a mind-body integrative health focused practice in South Florida that offers therapy, chiropractic and nutrition and the host of the You Winning Life Podcast.